Posts Tagged 'star'

Death Star hotel in Azerbaijan

Skyscraper News

Awesome! How much does it cost per night and where do I park my X-Wing?

9 months, many, many lego bricks later …

Check out this Legomaniac. He built this 30 pound Star Wars ship! 73 inches long! Now that’s a truly dedicated Lego fan. Should we be happy for him? Sad? He lost his wife (possibly?) but still managed to stay employed, mortgaged his home (joke?) to buy all the pieces. The word insanity crosses my mind. However he’s built for us to enjoy … for the next 15 minutes. Then we can move on to the next guy.

“Well, ladies and gentleman…oh, who are we kidding…Well gentleman, after nine months of late-night brick building, explanations, groveling, and apologies to my now-estranged wife, countless Bricklink orders, subsequent mortgages, loan sharks, black market sales of all non-essential organs, and more work-shirking than you can shake a stick at, the epic struggle to build my first SHIP has reached its conclusion… she’s finally finished.” (link)

Lovebots to reach into chest and rip out hearts

What? People falling in love with robots? I don’t know which is more troubling, terminators killing us or people having sex with robots. Both equally disturbing and creepy. Remember that Star Trek: The Next  Generation episode where Tasha and Data get it on? Eeww, especially since she was a bit man-ish. Although Fembots from Austin Powers might be tempting, so long as they don’t try kill me with their machine gun jubblies (can I order one without the guns?). Even the sexy Cylons from Battlestar Galactica warrant consideration. Or how about a Buffybot?

Although you have to admit, robot on robot action is hot! (just kidding, geez can’t you spot a joke?)

“That day is imminent, Levy writes, especially the sex part. By the middle of this century, he predicts, “love with robots will be as normal as love with other humans, while the number of sexual acts and lovemaking positions commonly practiced between humans will be extended, as robots teach more than is in all of the world’s published sex manuals combined.”

If this seems a bit much, hang on. Levy, an expert on artificial intelligence and the author of “Robots Unlimited,” builds his case gradually. He begins with what scientists know about why humans fall in love with other humans. There are 10 factors, he writes, including mystery, reciprocal liking, and readiness to enter a relationship. Why can’t these factors apply to robots, too? Even something as apparently human as “reciprocal liking” can be programmed into a robot’s behavior, and if it acts as if it likes you that’s often all that matters.” (link)

Japan developing sex bots

Top 50 fictional weapons of all time

Imagine a world without lightsabers—where, instead, every big Star Wars finale consists of a 10-minute slap fight. Thank the maker we’ll never have to witness such a spectacle, because magical and impossibly high-tech weapons are staples of nearly all of our favorite entertainments! To pick just the 50 best, we spent weeks whittling down a massive list of our favorite pain-inflicting instruments of all time—from magic swords to laser guns to pointy balls. To make this list, however, there were a few rules: The weapon must be wieldable (that means the Death Star didn’t make the cut) and it can’t be something you can just run out and buy. So blades out, everyone—here are the greatest weapons of all time, as well as how to get your hands on a replica if one exists! KA-BLAM!

Some notables:

#1 – Green Lantern’s Power Ring – DC Comics

#4 – Lightsabers – Star Wars

#16 – Megatron – Transformers

#22 – Gunblade – FFVIII

#29 Ash’s Chainsaw Hand – Evil Dead II


Nintendo Wii light saber

Ever since Nintendo’s Satoru Iwata revealed the Wii remote’s motion-sensing capabilities, gamers have been clamoring for someone, anyone, to help realize their deepest nerd fantasy — using the Wii’s controller to act out the Star Wars Kid video. (link)

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